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The Worst Days I’ve Had Since the Wildfire That Destroyed My Home & All Belongings; with no insurance coverage happened this week!

Sick smile I think I finally Can Move Past the worst of my last 7 days of my life….

Here’s a List of Bad Situations I’ve Had to Deal With…

  1. At the beginning of last week, my dogs ran out my door, and when they came back, one dog had a terribly cut foot, and the other had to have surgery because she attacked a porcupine baby and was so full of quills that it cost us about $350 and roughly 3 hours of surgery Sad smile.
  2. Then my so called friend tells me she had to hurt me because I told her she lives a life of lies and so she decided to tell me (she admitted to me that she only wanted to hurt me) that my husband wants her. Angry smile
  3. Then I was putting my dogs out on the chain to go to the bathroom and Ellie, the one who had surgery ran off. She came back in roughly 15 minutes with way more quills than before! Crying face This surgery was about $450.00 and took roughly five hours for surgery.
  4. Then our water pump shit the bucket, and after trying to make three used ones work, had to purchase a new unit. Steaming mad Three days later, we finally had water again.
  5. So okay, as you can tell, the worst part about this week is the fact it cost us over $1000, but we were broke.

How Did We Make It Through?

Well, actually, my friend contacted me before my dog had quills sticking out everywhere, so we’ll begin with her.

  • Well, I cried about my husband wanting my best friend because she said something happened, but she couldn’t remember what it was, yet she knew from this event that she does or doesn’t know happened that my husband wanted to have sex with her and that supposedly this happened when I was sleeping late one night. Freezing Funny though….he goes to sleep before me and I get up all night long, and I never noticed him gone, and yet she seemed honest. What hurt the most is she said this happened six years ago, and she wanted to have a friendship with my husband so she promised not to tell me he wanted her and rather than having loyalty towards the person who was supposed to be her best friend, who watched out and took care of her, she had it with my husband. I only got through this situation by crying my eyes out, fighting with my husband and by telling my new ex-friend to take a hike. Devil (I’ll explain this in better detail later).
  • Dog face I know children make mistakes, but for four years now, my dogs have repeatedly gotten loose, and to tell you the truth, I was arrested twice on account of my dogs not being on the chain, but what’s worst yet is the fact of one of them or sometimes both, is extremely hurt when they return, and I don’t have a bunch of money to rush them to the vet. So when the children accidentally let my dogs out the night the first quill session happened, I blew up way bad at them, and actually put huge guilt on them that my dogs could die, and in fact, most likely will because I don’t get back the dog who left my house; the near death bed pet returns home. Sick smile (I feel so bad now for my reaction to the children because I didn’t really know I would have a dog return that stood the possibility of dying and then my friend’s children were crying! What a heel I can be! I actually had a melt down. Wilted rose I couldn’t take any more, and if it wasn’t for my hubby taking over, I was ready to cry in a corner and not come out. He called the vet, got my Ellie in for surgery and my dad borrowed me the money to pay for what needed to be done. (I hate it, cuz I feel like I been just relying on my father way too much considering I’m supposed to be an adult.)
  • Okay, so actually, the water pump went next, but we just borrowed money for my pet so she could survive. Don't tell anyone smile We tried to make other pumps work, but no matter what, there was one problem with each one, and it made me come to the conclusion that used items are discarded by human beings because A) the person knows something is about to go wrong with it, or B) it’s already got everything wrong with it. Steaming mad The cheapest water pump was $210 but thank god my husband’s boss let him put the cost on a charge card, and we have to pay it back. Now, three days later, I realize how much I take for granted the little pleasures of life, like running water AND I have taken a shower too! Open-mouthed smile Wahoo!
  • Okay, but before the pump was fixed, the day before I was putting my dogs on the chain, and Ellie broke her collar and came back worst than the first time she attacked the porcupine. Dog face I threw a fit, but the problem wasn’t really what I was saying, but rather the fact I couldn’t figure out how to get money to get her fixed, I didn’t want her to die and no matter what, I was bound to lose her. Steaming mad So I screamed, actually hit the wall once without being a person with strong anger issues and said, “That’s it! I am having my friend bring her to the human society so they can fix her because I can’t afford $350 or better a week for my dogs when there isn’t water yet.” I got up in the morning and at 8 bells called the vet in literal tears, told her I had no money, what had just happened, and that I would have to do what it took to make my Ellie better (even if it means I lose her from the action). I explained I couldn’t post-date a check because it would bounce. I couldn’t borrow any money either when I already was almost to $1000 and you know what this wonderful vet and wealthy guy did for me? I simply had to come up with $75 of the large surgery fee, and this guy paid the rest for me because the money was donated for people who love their pets but have no way to take care of them in the spur of an emergency moment! Wow! Good people. Thumbs up

Now that I have given you a general over-view of what I went through, stay tuned for the next part dealing specifically with my ex-best friend, my husband and myself.